The message of this video is summarised in its final statement: We are your Sisters: we are committed to advocating for you and with you, sharing a journey of care for people and for the environment. This video features Sisters who are striving to bring the voices of the world’s most marginalised communities into the centre of the development dialogue. As world leaders increasingly become aware of the need for development solutions led by and tailored to the most vulnerable, Sisters are at the forefront of a movement to reshape global conversations around the needs of our most neglected communities.
Sister Sheila Kinsey, Coordinator of Sowing Hope for the Planet, says: “Our advocacy is inspired by the Holy Spirit, who continues to guide us on our journey to transform the world. In the spirit of synodality and solidarity, we are interconnecting grassroots concerns with national and international levels. Our process includes the integration of our values as foundational to creating social change in institutions, governments and organisations. With this intentional, systemic approach we are pursuing a critical tipping point for change, to develop a harmonious and safe way of life for all people and for our common home.”
Sister Jean Quinn, Executive Director at UNANIMA International, says: “The COVID-19 pandemic has deepened and exacerbated multidimensional inequalities. These complex, systemic, and interconnected global challenges have common roots, and they constrict communities’ livelihoods, access to much-needed protections, and human dignity. Sisters on the frontlines, working with these marginalised communities, are often best equipped to inform solutions based on the lived experiences of the people they serve. They are the true experts, and their voices must be included in places of power.”