Sisters Advocating Globally is an office of UISG, the International Union of Superiors General. Launched in 2020 with support from the Global Solidarity Fund, this office empowers Catholic Sisters to advocate for the protection of people and our planet.

UISG is a membership organisation representing over 600,000 Sisters worldwide. Established in 1965 and inspired by the Second Vatican Council, its main objective is to promote deeper collaboration between Catholic women’s congregations. Alongside its core mission of training, supporting and connecting members, UISG acts as an umbrella organisation for Sisters engaged in tackling some of the world’s most pressing development challenges.

Numbering over 1,900 members with headquarters in 97 countries, the UISG network is part of an international movement to shape development conversations around the needs and wisdom of communities on the frontlines, linking local to global to foster inclusion and accountability.

How we work



We are holistic in tackling social and environmental issues, advocating from a vision that is both human and spiritual as we seek sustainable solutions.



We build bridges to bring people together, focusing on our shared humanity as we journey towards a safe, just and peaceful future for all.



We leave no one behind, knowing that the world’s most marginalised communities can teach us the resilience required to confront the challenges of our time.

What we believe

We believe that women religious are uniquely placed to advocate for and with the communities they serve. Sisters have a key role to play in bringing local voices into global conversations, and ensuring that global commitments are implemented locally.

Embodying presence, encounter and service as they live side-by-side with the world’s most marginalised people, Sisters work tirelessly to challenge the root causes of poverty and inequality. Today, the ministry of Sisters worldwide maintains its focus on direct service – historically a lifeline to vulnerable communities – and integrates this with an increased focus on action and advocacy for systemic change.

Our mission is rooted in a vision that has underpinned the work of Sisters for centuries: a vision based on the intrinsic dignity of all people, and the sacredness of our common home. But it also responds to the urgency and challenges of our time by acknowledging that vulnerability can be a strength: we believe that embedding the willingness to be vulnerable as a core value of responsible leadership can help to find collaborative solutions for the shared future of humankind.

Photo credits: Lisa Kristine /Talitha Kum.